Rare earth metals, also known as Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are a special class of remarkably important metals that have become essential to the way we live. In fact, many of them are dirt common, but they were discovered late and people had trouble separating them. One hundred years ago, we really had no use for these rare earth metals. The name became established before people realized they weren't rare, and its a nice-sounding name so it stuck. Today, we would have a hard time manufacturing many of life’s luxuries and conveniences without them.
Rare earth metals are used in everything from magnets to mobile phones as well as hybrid car batteries and laptops. The investment opportunity in rare earth metals stems from the fact that there is an ever-increasing demand of materials that are in relatively short supply.Even the military uses them for electronics, batteries, lasers, optics, missiles, and surveillance equipment.
Rare-earth-metals are crucial to hybrid cars, wind turbines and many other green-tech innovations, but these elusive metals also have an environmental dark side. Rare-earth molycorp metals are the key to 21st Century technology: Without them, we wouldn’t have smartphones, hybrid cars or precision weapons.
More about: Buy Rare-earth-metals
Read more>> http://www.metal-powder-dust.com/
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